How to Restore Deleted Photos using Magic Photo Recovery

Disk selection
First of all, you need to select the disk containing the deleted images. The program shows you the list of disks found on your computer. Apart from your hard drive volumes, this list contains all connected external media (USB drives, flash cards, etc.). Magic Photo Recovery works with all types of cameras and memory cards (full list of supported cameras…)
If you cannot find your camera in the list of drives, use a card reader to read data directly from your camera’s memory card (read more about using card readers…)
Select the drive containing the deleted files and press the “Next” button. Magic Photo Recovery will start analyzing the selected disk. This process may take some time. All the images detected by the program during analysis will be added to the preview list. You can stop the analysis process by pressing the “Stop” button (for instance, if the program has already found the necessary file), but we recommend to wait until the process has finished. You can press the “Back” button to go back and select another disk for analysis.
Image selection
Magic Photo Recovery adds all detected recoverable images to the preview list, where you can preview them, apply filtering and sorting and mark the files to be recovered.
The image selection window is displayed immediately after the disk analysis process has finished. Here you can select the photos to be recovered.
The image list occupies most of the program window. The lower part contains the following image management buttons:

“Filter” – enables/disables filtering. You can filter images by type, mask, size and resolution. Once the filter is applied, the image list will display only those images that meet the current filtering criteria. To display all images, press the “Disable” button to disable filtering.
“Sort” – you can sort the list of images by name, type, status, size and resolution. If you choose the “No sorting” option, the images will be shown in the order of detection on the currently selected disk.
“View” – changes the view of the list of images (“Thumbnails”, “Icons”, “List”, “Details”).
The “Select all”, “Clear selection” and “Invert selection” buttons are used for selecting images in the list.
“Preview” – allows you to preview the selected image.
Press “Next” to proceed to the next step.

Previewing images
You can preview any image before recovering it. The lower left part of the window contains the file information: recovery status, current status (existing or deleted), image type, resolution and size.
The lower right part of the window contains the following buttons:
“Previous image”, “Next image” – allow you to preview the previous/next image in the image list.
“Rotate 90° counterclockwise”, “Flip”, “Rotate 90° clockwise” – allow you to rotate the image in the preview mode for better viewing convenience.
The “Exit” button is used to close the preview window and go back to the list of images.
Saving the recovered files
Here you can select the folder to save the recovered files to. It is strongly recommended to select a different disk for the recovery output folder: for instance, if you are recovering images from the “C” drive, select a folder on the “D” drive for file output.
If you want to restore the structure of the folders containing the recovered files, choose the “Restore the folder structure” option. If this option is enabled, all subfolders will be restored and the files will appear in exactly the same locations they were located in prior to being deleted. Otherwise, all recovered images will be saved to a single folder.

When some files are recovered, the initial letter of their name is lost and is replaced by the “?” character. There may be files with other parts of their names missing. For this reason, the application has the “Replace all unknown characters in filenames by” option, which allows you to replace the “?” symbol with any character you like.
Press “Next” to recover the selected images or “Back” to change your selection. The unregistered version does not allow image recovery, so you will be prompted to register the program when the “Next” button is pressed.
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