Oleg Afonin

Oleg Afonin

Technical Writer

Oleg Afonin is a technical specialist in the field of data recovery, an expert in digital forensics. He is the author of numerous publications on mobile forensics and IT security.

Oleg often speaks at conferences such as HTCIA, Techno Forensics, CEIC, FT-Day. He is also a co-author of the popular book "Mobile Forensics – Advanced Investigative Strategies" and conducts trainings for law enforcement agencies in countries such as Germany, Austria, Canada, etc.

Oleg has written many articles for East Imperial Soft, which help our readers and clients not only to understand the essence of the problem, but also explain its subsequent solution in the data recovery process.

  • Total posts: 12
  • Total comments: 35

Stay in touch with Oleg

How to recover Office Documents or Spreadsheets

How to recover Office Documents or Spreadsheets

In one of the previous articles, we analyzed the main causes of file loss. There is nothing worse than losing the Word or Excel documents that you have been working on for hours. We want to tell you how to check all possible backup locations, perform a thorough search of your computer, or install data recovery software. Method 1: Restore files from the Recycle Bin The Recycle Bin is the place where files are placed before they are deleted from... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • May 29, 2017
Using 64 GB Memory Cards in Non-Supporting Devices

Using 64 GB Memory Cards in Non-Supporting Devices

Sometimes, one can use a 64 GB SD card in a device advertised as only supporting up to 32 GB SD cards. Formatting the card to FAT32 may do the trick. Or not? Read about the use of alternative file systems on SDXC cards, and learn why many data recovery tools should be never allowed to touch your 64 GB SD cards. However, if this is the case and exFAT is the only reason preventing your device from recognizing the larger memory card, there is... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • July 3, 2015
Flash Data Recovery: How to Recover SD Card Data Files

Flash Data Recovery: How to Recover SD Card Data Files

There is something magical about SD card file recovery, as it saves files you have thought were inevitably lost. Digital data is so easy to erase but may be quite challenging to return. That’s why you need to know more about the ways to restore it and other essential nuances. And this post will help you with it. “I shot a wedding session last week. Moved 1.5GB of files to my computer, then shot another session with approximately 2GB of files... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • September 12, 2014
Data Recovery FAQ’s

Data Recovery FAQ’s

Is my Windows 7 smartphone recoverable? Can you help me with my laptop hard drive? Our customers call in, and we do our best to help. Read how we helped our customers get their data back! This time we’ll have an unusual post. Normally we would take a certain problem and write about how we solved it. This time we decided to answer your questions. We get dozens phone calls every day with questions about whether or not the recovery is possible in... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • August 13, 2014
How to Prevent Data Loss: 5 Data Loss Causes, and Its Prevention

How to Prevent Data Loss: 5 Data Loss Causes, and Its Prevention

Data recovery is the last resort for protecting your data. On the other hand, preventing data loss is a much more valuable proposition. This way, you protect your valuable data from unforeseen situations. To help you in data loss prevention, we decided to collect all the necessary and relevant information on securing your information. Learn how to avoid losing your data by reading this article. Main Data Loss Causes Before diving into the types... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • June 24, 2014
Data Recovery from SSDs: Worth a Try

Data Recovery from SSDs: Worth a Try

Data recovery from SSD drives is a controversial topic. Does TRIM render all data recovery efforts useless, or do we still have a chance? Apparently, you often have a good chance of getting your data back even in what seems to be the worst situation. A lot has been written about solid-state storage and about the ill effect on data recovery caused by some of the technologies used in SSD drives. TRIM, constant remapping of physical addresses... Read the article

  • Technical Writer Oleg Afonin
  • June 11, 2014
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