This section contains five subcategories:
- Visits
- Search
- Social media
- Translations
The navigation buttons are at the top of the window.

If there is no information found in a certain category, the category will not be displayed.
It contains the list of all webpages visited, including website address, name, time of visit, time of last visit, total visits, the type of redirection, page category, as well as other useful information.
The program features a powerful built-in algorithm to find all search queries ever entered by the user. You can view the websites where a certain phrase was searched, when and how many times such a search was run.
Social media
In this category, you can view user activity in social networks, including the number of visits to pages of certain users or groups, what information was viewed in such pages, time and duration of such visits etc.
This tab allows viewing online translation history: what text was translated, source and target languages, time of translation and other data.
This is where you can view what emails were read or sent. Selecting an element displays such data as email subject, the section where it is located, user name, time when the email was read and other data in the info panel.